2022 Schedule and Registration

Anatomies of Power:
Praxis, Violence, rule
CSPT 2022 Conference Schedule and Registration
All events will be held in-person at Columbia University. Registration is free and open to all, and is required to attend the conference and to obtain the papers. Registration links can be found below and, once registered, you can access the papers here. Conference attendees are encouraged to become members of CSPT: please find membership details here.
All events take place at Faculty House, which can be accessed through Wien Courtyard from West 116th street (between Amsterdam and Morningside Drive). See the map here for more detailed information.
Friday May 13, 2022
Garden Room, Faculty House, Columbia University.
9:45 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 12:15 Agency, Capacity, Self-Rule
Chair: Seyla Benhabib (Yale/Columbia)
Sara-Maria Sorentino (Alabama), “Slave/Animal/Labor: Marxist Incapacity and the Direction Analogy Flows”
Shterna Friedman (UC Berkeley), “Power, Totality, and Violence: Machiavelli and the Dark Side of Hegel”
Harvey Goldman (UC San Diego), “Political Rule and Practices of the Self”
Discussants: Shalini Satkunanandan (UC Davis), Pratap Bhanu Mehta (Princeton)
12:15 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3:30 Oligarchy and Plutocracy
Chair: Melissa Schwartzberg (NYU)
Demetra Kasimis (Chicago), “Conspiracy in the Oikos”
Natasha Piano (Chicago), “An Angry Warning: Pareto and Elite Equilibrium”
Discussants: Arlene Saxonhouse (Michigan), Stefan Eich (Georgetown)
3:30 – 4:00 Coffee
4:00 – 6:00 Domination and Resistance
Chair: Sonali Chakravarti (Wesleyan)
Elisabeth Anker (George Washington), “Trickle Down Domination”
Erin Pineda (Smith), “Displays of Force: Black Rebellion and the Ambivalent Spectacle of Police Violence”
Discussants: Hari Ramesh (Wesleyan), Adom Getachew (Chicago)
Saturday May 14, 2022
Seminar 1, Faculty House, Columbia University.
9:45 – 10:00 Registration
Plenary Panel
10:00 – 12:15 Rule
Chair: Karuna Mantena (Columbia)
Melissa Lane (Princeton) Of Rule and Office: Plato's Ideas of the Political
Patchen Markell (Cornell) Politics Against Rule: Hannah Arendt and The Human Condition
Discussants: Lisa Disch (Michigan), Jill Frank (Cornell)
12:15 – 1.30 Lunch
1:30 – 3:30 Violence
Chair: Lori Marso (Union)
Robyn Marasco (CUNY/Hunter), “Bringing the War Home: Frantz Fanon and the Disorders of Violence”
Rose Owen (Chicago), “‘A new kind of death': Sex, Violence, and Objectification in Andrea Dworkin’s Thought”
Discussants: Shatema Threadcraft (Vanderbilt), Kevin Duong (Virginia)
3:30 – 4:00 Coffee
4:00 – 6:00 Popular Praxis
Chair: Alyssa Battistoni (Barnard)
Tejas Parasher (Cambridge), “‘A People’s Rule’: M.N. Roy on Radical Democracy”
Ed Quish (Hobart and Smith), “Industrial Unionism as Prefigurative Cooperation: The American Socialist Theory of Popular Sovereignty, 1900-1919”
Discussants: Sandipto Dasgupta (New School), Paulina Ochoa Espejo (Haverford)
Please register to attend the CSPT Annual Conference below.