2024 Spitz Prize Call for Nominations
Did you read an outstanding book of political theory published in 2022? Did you write one? Nominate it for the Spitz Prize!
The David and Elaine Spitz Prize is awarded every year for the best book in democratic and/or liberal theory published two years earlier. The 2024 Prize will be given to a book published in 2022 (copyright date). Books that are jointly authored are eligible, but textbooks and edited collections are not.
Publishers and individuals are invited to nominate books by sending physical copies marked “Regarding Spitz Prize” directly to all three members of the Prize Committee listed below. Please also send an email to the Committee Chair, Murad Idris (midris@umich.edu) and to ICSPT Coordinator (coordinator@icspt.org), alerting the Committee that a nominated book is on its way.
The (postmark) deadline for the submission of candidate books is December 9, 2024.
2024 Spitz Prize Committee
Murad Idris (Chair)
University of Michigan
Political Science Department
6743 Haven Hall
505 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Lida Maxwell
Political Science Department
Boston University
232 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215
Alison McQueen
Stanford University
616 Jane Stanford Way,
Encina Hall West, Suite 100
Stanford, CA 94305
If you have any questions or require more information, feel free to contact us at coordinator@icspt.org.